![]() QUAKER PARAKEET SOCIETY BYLAWSARTICLE I The name of the Society shall be Quaker Parakeet Society. ARTICLE II OBJECT- The object of this society shall be:
ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP - Section 1. -The membership of this society shall be open to any individual who has not been convicted of any law concerning inhumane treatment of or importation of birds, and who is current with required dues.ARTICLE IV OFFICERS- Section 1. -The Officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and must be members in good standing. Section 2. -Duties of Officers - The duties of the officers shall be described in the parliamentary authority described by the Society. ARTICLE V Board of Directors Section 1. -The Board of Directors shall be made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. This Board shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Society. The presiding QPSRAPP Chairperson, (a BOD appointed position), shall hold a limited seat on the Board of Directors, partaking in issues as the BOD deem fit, and on those issues, the QPSRAPP Chairperson will hold one vote. Clause A. The presiding Sentinel Editor, (a BOD appointed position), shall hold a limited seat on the Board of Directors, partaking in issues as the BOD seem fit, and on those issues, the Sentinel Editor will hold one vote. Section 2. -Term of office - All members of the board shall serve for two years starting at the annual meeting. The President and Treasurer shall be elected in odd years and the Vice President and Secretary shall be elected in even years. Vacancies - By unanimous vote of the remaining board may appoint an acting officer for the remainder of that officer's term. Section 3. -The Board of Directors shall strive to meet in person annually at a site determined by the Board. Section 4. All other business shall be conducted by the Board by use of teleconference, E-mail, fax, or postal service providing that all members of the board be provided with equal opportunity to submit opinion and vote. Clause A. All business of the Board may also be conducted by use of an on-line Chat Room. ARTICLE VI ELECTIONS Section 1. -Nominations. An Election committee consisting of three members shall be appointed by the Board in February to nominate officers and directors. Nominations from the committee will be printed in the April (first quarterly) publication. Additional nominations may be made in writing by any member if received prior to March 1. Clause A.Due to the Sentinel deadlines, and the time needed to solicit nominations for the elections, the Elections Committee shall be appointed in November instead of February. Section 2.--Paper Ballots and Internet Voting for Elections. Elections can be held by Internet Vote. Additionally, Paper Ballots for all members will be made available in the quarterly newsletter. This newsletter will include information about candidates and instruction for Paper Ballot and Internet Voting and will be mailed to all members by April 30. Section 3. -Counting of Ballots. On June 10, or the first business day following, all unopened Paper Ballots and Internet Votes will be taken to an impartial person, agreed upon by the board, to be opened and counted in their presence. The names of those voting will be checked against the membership list as the unmarked envelopes are removed, in the case of Paper Ballots, and the Internet Vote counted. Signed Paper Ballot envelopes will be kept separately. The Paper Ballots will then be removed from the unmarked envelopes and counted. The Paper Ballots and signed envelopes will be kept until the following annual meeting, as well as Internet Votes. Section 4. -Election results. The winner shall be the candidate with the largest number of votes. In the event of a tie any member in good standing attending the annual meeting may vote to break the tie. The results of the election will be printed in the second quarterly publication. ARTICLE VII Committees Section 1.- The Board of Directors may form committees as needed. The Chairmen of those committees will be voted in by a majority of the Board and the members of said committee, should the committee already exist. All committee members must be members in good standing. Section 2. -The Committee Chairman will be responsible to the Board. ARTICLE VIII Termination of Positions Section 1. -Resignation. Any person may resign from office with written notice and becomes effective upon receipt by a majority of the board if no date has been given. Section 2. -Termination. Termination from any office must be with cause. The Board of Directors may terminate any appointee with a 2/3 majority in favor of termination. ARTICLE IX Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Society may adopt. Clause A. -The bylaws of QPS can be amended by the addition of CLAUSES, by a majority vote of the BOD, along with the majority vote of the committee persons when applicable, when said RESOLUTIONS are made in writing to the BOD, discussed and voted upon in a session selected by the BOD with the majority of the BOD and committee persons in attendance as stated in the current bylaws under Article V, section 4, when the conditions of Article V, Section 3, cannot be met. Clause B. That all CLAUSES to the bylaws will be made known to the members of QPS in good standing through one of moreof the following methods: Email drafted and signed by a BOD member Publication in the Sentinel ARTICLE X Dissolution of Quaker Parakeet Society In the event of the dissolution of the Quaker Parakeet Society all funds will be turned over to the American Federation of Aviculture (A.F.A.). Clause A. It has been amended that, in the event of dissolution of the Quaker Parakeet Society, all funds will be turned over to another non-profit Avian Society to be selected and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE XI Use of Materials by QPS
Clause A.- Any person, BOD official, committee person, member in good standing,or non-member,volunteering their time, money or talent to QPS, will consider their time, money and talent a donation to QPS. This will include written materials, graphic design, and donated items for publicity and promotion of QPS and its committees, which will then be considered the property of QPS and/or for fundraising purposes, unless other arrangements have been made following a majority of BOD and committee chair decision, or materials were submitted under First North American Rights.
Information presented on the QPS web pages is gathered from avian articles, books, reference materials, and the result of extensive discussion with Quaker owners, breeders, researchers, behaviorists, and avian veterinarians. It is not intended to replace the valuable information which your personal avian veterinarian shares with you.
� QPS 2025-5-6-7 All Rights Reserved |
2025 QPS QUARTERLY FINANCIAL SUMMARY updated 10/23/07 Revenue Donations- $1,065.00 Fundraising- $2,115.70 General- $- Membership- $3,979.12 Newsletter- $- Total- $7,159.82 |
Expenses Donations $9.30 Fundraising $1,356.63 Membership $497.38 Newsletter $2,217.27 Operations $1,712.33 Total $5,792.91 |
Eugene, OR 97401 |