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        Before You Volunteer




Not everyone who volunteers with QPSRAPP is able to adopt, but transport and temporary fostering volunteers are always needed and their efforts are appreciated. Unfortunately, there will always be more Quakers to adopt than volunteers to adopt them. This holds particularly true of areas in the United States where RAPP lacks adopting volunteers, but where there are Quakers who need placement in new homes. Volunteering to transport or foster shows true concern for the Quaker in need, and compassion for relinquishing owner and adopting volunteer, who can offer a Quaker a home, but cannot transport the Quaker themselves.

Should you have questions or concerns about volunteering with QPSRAPP, please take he time to write to QPSRAPP.


Information presented on the QPS web pages is gathered from avian articles, books, reference materials, and the result of extensive discussion with Quaker owners, breeders, researchers, behaviorists, and avian veterinarians. It is not intended to replace the valuable information which your personal avian veterinarian shares with you.

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QPSRAPP is grateful to those who offer their time and hearts to volunteer, but ask all those who are thinking of volunteering to carefully and honestly consider the following before you fill out and submit the RAPP Volunteer Application:

NO BIRD IS FREE! RAPP charges NO fees to adopting volunteer or relinquishing owner. But, even if a bird is adopted with no fees, bird ownership is costly and those costs will be both obvious and hidden.

A good, formulated diet for a Quaker, a safe and roomy cage, and safe toys are obvious, continual, and expensive costs.

Veterinary bills for well bird checks and emergencies are hidden costs that are expensive because avian medicine is so specialized. Travel cages and gas for transportation are expensive as well and need to be taken seriously. There are fewer avian veterinarians than non avian veterinarians. One may not be located conveniently near you. Many non avian vets and clinics are not equipped to care for birds and may refuse to accommodate the bird owner.

If you already have one or more birds in your home, you can assume that your bird ownership costs will rise with the addition of another bird. An adopting volunteer cannot assume that cages, toys, etc. will be supplied with the newly adopted Quaker. Adopting volunteers with a multiple bird household must be able to quarantine. The health and well being of the birds already in residence should not be compromised.

BEHAVIOR- Some adopted Quakers may come to the adopting volunteer with behavioral problems that will need addressing and modification. The adjustment to a new home and to new caregivers may be stressful for some birds, even if they do not exhibit behavioral problems. Adopting volunteers must be patient, understanding, yet confident and willing to help modify or correct problem behavior. RAPP Support offers all adopting volunteers one on one mentoring to help correct and/or modify behavior problems and to make the transition in the new home less stressful and more rewarding.