Anna Dydyk conducts the "Quaker Surveys" for THE SENTINEL. She is assisted by Oliver, Axel and Gumby. About Quakers and QPS, Anna has this to say: " I love Quakers because they are incredibly bright and have a wonderful sense of humour. QPS is special because it has strived to educate people about Quakers and correct the many myths and misunderstandings that still abound about this magnificent breed of bird, especially the feral cousins of our captive companions."

Nancyjane Bailey is the Chair of the Fundraising Committee and keeper of the CAFE PRESS QUAKER STORE. To the left is Photon, her Quaker companion. When asked about Photon and Quakers, Nancyjane says:"Gee, I love all birds. There is something special about Quakers though. All my other birds are parrots through and through, but Photon is in many ways a person in feathered pajamas. I have been trying for weeks to figure just what it is that makes Photon so different. Maybe because he always has opinions on everything and has to share them with me. I am not just taking about the loud "Don't go" squawks or the "I don't like it" squawks. Photon also has little muttering sounds to say "yes, I like it" and "thanks for the water". He always responds in some way when I talk to him. He does not speak English well, but he has some quiet little Quaker sounds that seem to convey meaning to him." Nancyjane feels "QPS is important because Quakers don't have anyone else to stand up for them. Ornithologists are not interested in our "wild" Quaker pals as they are invasive in the US, and common "pest" birds in their native land. None of the other specialty organizations seem interested in them. They are not endangered, nor do they have the exotic image that clings to Macaws and Amazons. There is no "show culture" for Quakers, as there is for the other "inexpensive" birds (budgies and cockatiels). Quakers have an undeserved bad reputation, and they need someone to stand up for them and inform the world that they are very intelligent and endearing birds."

Scotty, the handsome fellow on the left. belongs to Joy Thompson, the Chair of QPSRAPP, the Quaker Parakeet Society Rescue and Placement Program. Joy loves Quakers "because they are so human like in their love, devotion and attitudes and because they are such cute and fun companions. QPS is important because it's purpose is to enlighten both bird lovers and those opposed to Quaker Parakeets about the nature and needs of these great birds, "one Quaker Parakeet at a time".

Refill, on your right, shares chamomile tea with his friend, QPSERC Chairperson, Chooch Friedman. "I like Quakers because they have all the qualities that I would look for in a human friend. They're intelligent, gutsy, adaptable, and are not shy about giving you an earful exactly when you need it. At the same, they seem to know when you need a little cuddling, too." About QPS Chooch says:"When Refill and I found each other, he was a bit of a mess and I probably was too, trying to figure out what was going on in his little head. QPS has been, and continues to be, the best support and educational system a Quaker owner could possibly have.