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The ad must include a name or firm, phone number and state. Please print clearly.
There is a minimum charge of $7.50 for an ad
up to 4 lines in length. Each
partial/full line thereafter is $1.50.
The final printed ad may not coincide with the lines on this form.
Ads are due by
Up to 4 lines $7.50
Each additional full or
partial line $1.50
Name:_____________________________________Amount Enclosed:______________
Address:__________________________________Membership No. if applicable:________
If my ad is not received by the deadline for next publication, please:
Print in next issue:______
Return my ad & payment:_________
Camera ready, per issue: 1/4 page - $17.50 (bus. card size), 1/3 page - 27.50, 1/2 page - $37.50, Full page - $50.00