Quaker Parakeet Society

PO BOX 7241

Eugene, OR 97401



Place one character (letter, space, punctuation, etc) in each box. The ad must include a name or firm, phone number and state. Please print clearly.


There is a minimum charge of $7.50 for an ad up to 4 lines in length. Each partial/full line thereafter is $1.50. The final printed ad may not coincide with the lines on this form.


Ads are due by February 29, 2025


























































































































































Up to 4 lines $7.50



















































































































Each additional full or partial line $1.50


Name:_____________________________________Amount Enclosed:______________

Address:__________________________________Membership No. if applicable:________

If my ad is not received by the deadline for next publication, please:

Print in next issue:______

Return my ad & payment:_________

Camera ready, per issue: 1/4 page - $17.50 (bus. card size), 1/3 page - 27.50, 1/2 page - $37.50, Full page - $50.00

The Sentinel Classified Ad Form can be sent to the postal address listed at the top of the form, or paid for using paypal. If using paypal for payment, please download the form, complete, click on EMAILand paste your completed form into the email.